Excited to shift into your college dorm? But don’t be surprised that if it looks too basic and plain for your taste. If it’s your first time moving into a dorm room, let us tell you that they all appear the same. And, don’t let us start on the limited room space that you have to share with another person. Despite the tight space and bland appearance, you have to spend all four years of your college life in a dorm room. Therefore, you need the inspiration to decorate dorm rooms in a unique and fun way.
After all, your creativity seems to be the only way to add an element of interest to your otherwise out of that dull-looking room. With some inspiration, you can completely give a lively touch to your dorm room. No matter how limited the space and lighting is, here we share with you some creative ways to bring your dull dorm room to life.
Ahead are the 10 amazing ideas to decorate dorm rooms into a serious masterpiece. But don’t complain if everyone flocks into your room to have a glance:
1.Make a DIY Gallery Wall To Decorate Dorm Rooms
Your hostel director may not allow you to drill the walls to put your pictures up. Instead, you can create a DIY Gallery Wall with a dorm-friendly approach. It will feel cool without even trying too hard. You can choose your DIY gallery in an achromatic color scheme. It looks uber chic than the posters taped on a wall with ugly-looking black tape.
2.Put Up a Temporary Wallpaper
Another way to decorate dorm rooms is with temporary wallpaper. You will not be in college for the rest of your life. But till the time you’re enrolled, make sure to have some fun with peel-and-stick wallpaper. Thanks to a removable print, you can totally transform even the most basic spaces in your dorm room.
3.Fake a Wallpaper To Decorate Dorm Rooms
Do you love the idea of adding some texture to your dull walls? But don’t have time for hanging a wallpaper? You can consider hanging plants to give you the same patterned effect with some thumbtacks and greenery. The faux flowers also look amazing while you get to experiment with the fake vines and ivy.
4.Hang a Tapestry To Decorate Dorm Rooms
One easy and simple way to cover a huge big blank wall is to break out a tapestry. This lip print pattern makes any area pop. All it needs is a couple of thumbtacks to get you a perfect look. So, consider this simple way to decorate dorm rooms in a jiffy.
5.Go For a Neutral Color Palette
Whenever other students in a building are opting for bright hues or a maximalist approach, go for neutrals. The neutrals will not only make your dorm room different from others. But it also appears clean while enabling you to open up even the dark spaces in a room.
6.DIY Headboard to Decorate Dorm Rooms
The dorms are often packed with some boring basic pieces of furniture and other items. However, you can consider adding a stunning headboard to your bed frame to transform the look of your room. Making a DIY dorm headboard is super easy and very creative. So, do give it a try.
7.Add a Rug to Decorate Dorm Rooms
Never underestimate the power of a good-quality rug. You can add one in the center to decorate dorm rooms. It will completely transform the look of any desired space. That too without putting in much effort.
8.Treat It Like Your Bedroom
When you plan to decorate dorm rooms, treat them like your bedroom. Just because the assigned area already comes with brick walls and one carpet doesn’t mean you cannot add desired items. You can even consider adding lamps, pillows, vanity mirrors, and gallery walls to make a room more appealing.
9.Decorate Dorm Rooms Vertically
Want to save your floor space? It’s best to consider decorating vertically. Instead of having a desk next to your bed, you can consider adding a loft-style bed along with a sliding study space under the sleeping platform. This way, you will get extra square footage for your dorm room.
10.Maximize Storage
Dorm rooms may feel tight. So, you should be mindful of every item you put in the given space. It is best to invest in pull-out double-duty furniture pieces, such as ottomans, for hidden storage space. This is how no extra space will get utilized in your dorm room.